I will miss in Chelem my friends and my aunt  Dee and uncle mike and my sister .  My good friend down the street name aunt Beth and uncle Paul .Paul junior   and grandpa and grandma. I  miss  walking on the beach and swimming in the ocean and the pool. I will also miss my dog name spot and my dog name dodger and the cruise ship and getting suff from the market and having fun on the beach . I am looking forward to see my friends at school and grandma and grandpa but I will also miss my dad’s mom who died.  Miss Chelem . Love Nik

This year on Easter I woke up four in the morning and I saw my new rear view mirror , I want back to bed and i listened to music until it was time to get up and search for eggs! I went and woke up my brother Shaun because it was Easter morning and he was still in bed . We went for an Easter beach walk because we are in Mexico. I was so excited I want to. Beth’s house to show every one my new stuff . I didn’t have to do schoolwork on Easter because it is a holiday. By Nik John vandyk

Smearch, Fidgital, Skinjecture: Creating New Terms for the Modern World



Jessica Gross | Longreads | April 2015 | 18 minutes (4,597 words)

Lizzie Skurnick is a voracious writer, critic and, now, head of a young adult publishing imprint. She began her career as a poet, then wrote young adult novels, a longstanding litblog called “The Old Hag,” and a Jezebel column about YA books that became the memoir Shelf Discovery: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading.Lizzie Skurnick Books, an imprint of Ig Publishing that launched in 2013, republishes those very books: YA classics from the 1930s through the ‘80s, by writers including Sydney Taylor (my own childhood beacon), Norma Klein, and Lois Duncan.

I met Skurnick at her apartment in Jersey City, where she served me tea and sat across from me in an armchair. The occasion for our conversation was the publication of her new book, That Should Be a Word, a…

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The plane crashed in the sea. The Lego people on the plane got out and were ok . The pilots on the plane were not ok. There was blood all in the sea. A shark came and circled the plane. The Lego people found an island and stayed there for five days.Superman came to rescue the pilots but there was a bomb on the plane . The bomb was krypton item and superman had no power. Batman came and defuse the bomb. The people on the island survived and built a Lego city. Emmet was there and he got married. the plane was fixes and they was going home . The pilots was on the imageplane and they are ok image. The end.

My favourite sister

She came to Mexico and we went In the ocean . We went to Sisal stayed in a beautiful home on the beach . We went with Beth , Paul, Morgan , Katie , Shaun , my dad and my mom . My dad played guitar and my friends sang along . I played with kids and I have and got back my dad and I played songs and we walk on the beach . We swam to Sisal and I have to the bathroom . We cleaned the pool up because it was dirty and we have fun  the end by Nik John Vandyk is hot in minecraft

Community and Long-Distance Bus Travel



The legendary Ellen Willis (first-ever pop critic for The New Yorker, feminist role model extraordinaire, etc.) passed away in 2006, but her work is enjoying a second renaissance thanks to The Essential Ellen Willis, a 2014 collection edited by her daughter Nona Willis Aronowitz. Earlier this month the National Book Critics Circle posthumously awarded Willis their top prize in criticism for the anthology. In honor of the honor, The Village Voice has reprinted “Escape from New York,” a fantastic Willis essay about loneliness, human connection, aging radicals and criss-crossing the country on a Greyhound bus. The essay first appeared as the Voice’s July 29, 1981 cover story, and has since been reprinted in The Essential Ellen Willis. 

For Americans, long-distances buses are the transportation of last resort. As most people see it, buses combine the comfort of a crowded jail cell with the glamour of a liverwurst sandwich. Though…

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I went to my friends from New York City . They are Our neighbours. I like them because they are awesome . They are like my family. I call theme uncle mike and  aunt Dee. They have a dog name spot .I love spot and he love me to. I sit outfunt with them. Uncle mike never leave me alone because if they have computer and I have a glass of water. If you spill a glass of water on the computers then he have to go home and pay allot of money to get a new computer .  He would come back to get me because he would have to chase me around the block. The end

imageI went to Beth’s I played superman and jokes. She made me grilled cheese  and we ate .We went in the ocean swimming and in the pool and we went to feed the dog’s . Me and Beth ,we watched Big hero six. It was fun and we played it in the pool . She gave me the Coconut house .I played  with Beth . Her phone was not workings and  she got a new phone . There was a storm and  it was awesome . I played with Beth and we have fun.  When  my mom picked me up we had  to go home.

My  frineds are Beth and Kristen Meredith grace . They live from Kentucky but  when they come here , they live on 13 .W e went to find shells  on the beach.,  We  got all alwsome shells . Went to progreso  to the bodega it like walmart in Mexico .  Beth  bought  me Lego city . She spoiled me .  My imagebrother  Shaun and I built  the plane . I built the truck .  It is cool plane .  When we get back I will bring it to school I will sent a picture  of the plane . The Plane makes me happy

Identify an Aesthetic, and Then Recreate That Aesthetic



To understand why Urban Outfitters and American Apparel have declined so spectacularly, it’s helpful to remember what it was that made them so successful in the first place. In their heyday, each made a science of identifying exactly what it was that made hipsters so attractive, then recreated that aesthetic in their stores.

They mass-marketed the counterculture by honoring art, music, and fashion of the past; rejecting traditional lifestyles and careers; and appreciating irony. “You would flip through one of their lookbooks or walk into their stores and think, I am in this world,” Brandes recalls. They made a hard-to-define bohemian lifestyle accessible to an entire generation of young people growing up in the cookie-cutter suburbs.

Urban Outfitters and American Apparel identified their target audiences, moving into neighborhoods with a high density of 18 to 25 year olds who were beginning to experiment with their personal style and values…

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